Reflections Along the Jesus Way

June 22, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

 “Somewhere along the line some who call themselves Christians have gotten the idea that God wants Christians to criticize, condemn, intimidate, and bully other people. I have searched the Bible, to no avail, to find teaching that would direct me to boycott and wave placards. I have searched the early history of the church in an effort to see how those who were eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life and ministry might have engaged in such things.


Where do we get such ideas? Not from the Bible.  Where then? We get those ideas from Bad News Religion, the mortal enemy of God’s grace.

We, in our flesh, get angry when God bestows his grace without measure.  When God spends some of the riches of his grace to throw a lavish and expensive party to welcome the prodigal son home, obsessive rule keepers do not even come to the party.” 

Originally published in:

Bad News Religion


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