Reflections Along the Jesus Way
June 11, 2024 – Quote for the Day:
“It’s true that there are people who are spiritually blind – doing time in religious prisons – and for some reason unknown to you or me or anyone else for that matter, God has not made a way for them to come to know him as he has for others. Why hasn’t he? We don’t know.
We do know that God is no respecter of persons. He doesn’t play favorites. That doesn’t mean everyone will accept his invitation. It may be that he gives different kinds of invitations to different people.
We don’t know all the details. We do know that he loves the whole world. He offers, perhaps in ways beyond our human understanding, his invitation to everyone – not just a chosen few. I believe that we can conclude that in some way God reaches out to all humanity – in his way and time.”
Originally published in:
Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1