Reflections Along the Jesus Way

June 6, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“God is not impressed with the lofty, ornate cathedrals humans build. God doesn’t assume that those religious monuments are more holy than little humble church buildings out on some windswept plain or desert. For that matter, God is not impressed with any building we can build and dedicate to him – as Acts 7:48 tell us: …the Most High does not live in houses made by men.

Worshipping God inside a building that calls itself a church does not exalt you before God. Your presence inside a building that calls itself a church is not the basis of God’s love for you.  God is not impressed with religious rituals and regimentations – God does not love you more based on how many prayers you say, how long you pray, how often you show up at church, or with the size of the check you write to your church.

God is not impressed with anything other than your willingness to depend on him, to accept Jesus Christ alone, because Jesus alone can save you from yourself, and from religious legalism, for that matter.

God offers us his grace because without grace we are sunk. Without God’s grace we are toast – so much spiritual road kill. There is nothing that we can place before God that will convince him that he should love us more than he already does.” 

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1


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