Reflections Along the Jesus Way

May 30, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

 “The church is not a building. The church is not identified by a sign outside of a building or by a steeple that soars above a building. The church is not a legally incorporated entity.  One may be a member of a church and not be a member of the universal body of Christ, which is the church that really counts. One may be a member of the universal body of Christ and thus free in Christ (Galatians 5:1) to affiliate with a church. But one’s membership in a church is not required or a necessary prerequisite for membership in the universal church founded by Jesus Christ. Christ-followers are the church – it is not a building to which we travel or a denomination or legal entity to which we belong. Members of the body of Christ belong to Christ. As the head of the body, Jesus Christ lives through his church. The universal body of Christ is the living representation and reflection of the Lord Jesus. This universal body is composed of believers not only of this age, but all those Christians of the past, and all those who will live in the future. They constitute one large family – the family of God.”

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, April 2018


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