Reflections Along the Jesus Way

May 25, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

 “When it comes to marital love, so many people are not willing to forgive, blaming their husband or wife for all marital difficulties, and then off they go ‘looking for love in all the wrong places.’  They fail to forgive the imperfections of others and they fail to realize their own flaws and foibles and thus they start looking for their ‘soul mate’ – thinking that someone somewhere will make them deliriously happy, without stopping to consider how they might make that someone happy.

‘Dear Abby’ once concluded this short letter in her newspaper column: ‘Dear Abby: I am divorced, 50 years old and I would like to meet a man with no bad habits.’ Abby gave the woman a short reply: ‘So would I.’” 

Letters - small

Originally published in:

Letters to My Friends


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