Reflections Along the Jesus Way

May 23, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

 “A law-based, rules-focused ministry or church will eventually turn you into a hypocrite, because in a religious environment where the emphasis is on human perfection and human performance, you can never admit to being who you really are. In such a religious environment you must pretend that everything in your life is near-perfect, because if you give any hint that you are less than perfect you will be regarded and probably treated as a failure. So, in order to survive and thrive within religious legalism, you must pretend to be someone (a near-perfect person) whom you are not.

In such an atmosphere, people are forced to wear a mask, to put on their ‘game-face’ when they show up for religious activities, services and performances.

You see, if you actually attempt to live by the law, if you attempt to relate to God on the basis of your deeds and your performance, you are living under condemnation. You will have to hide who you really are. You will be forced to become a hypocrite.

Religious laws demand that you live according to a perfect standard, and within the world of religious legalism, mistakes are not tolerated. Christ-less religion does not suffer fools gladly.” 

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1


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