Reflections Along the Jesus Way

May 21, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

 “Sad to say, religion, including many parts of Christendom, has been responsible for the repression of women over the years.  Many biblical passages have been subjectively interpreted by men to mean that they are superior to women. This was a convenient interpretation for men, of course, as they were, and still are ‘in charge’ of many churches. So, men have, sometimes in the guise of Christianity, lorded it over women, maintaining their domination over women by interpreting biblical passages in such a way that women would be charged with being ‘barefoot and pregnant’ – almost like a possession. Women were therefore virtually enslaved by their husbands and other men as those men represented the leadership of the secular and religious world. In many so-called Christian settings, there is no way out for women. Unless they can escape their religious environment and culture, they are trapped!”

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1


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