Reflections Along the Jesus Way

May 14, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

  “Immediately following 9/11, two well-known American religious professionals alleged that God allowed the attacks to happen because, while they presumed God had once protected the United States, now they believed God was so angered by our growing acceptance of abortion and gay rights that he had removed our so-called ‘hedge of protection.’

Along with millions of others who share their superstitious and off-the-wall ideas of who God is, these so-called ‘evangelists’ seemed to believe that God sits on his heavenly throne, peering down on all our corruption and evil, getting more and more livid.  Then sooner or later, our heavenly mad dad just loses it – he goes ballistic and rains down what many describe as his holy, perfect and entirely justifiable wrath.”

Originally published in:

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, June 2018


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