Reflections Along the Jesus Way

May 7, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“After we are born, it doesn’t take us too many years to realize (especially given the wisdom we receive as the hormones rage through our teenage bodies!) that our parents are not perfect. As we mature and marry and become parents ourselves, we come to the humbling insight that we will not be perfect parents either. It’s about that stage of life when we begin to understand what the philosopher Kierkegaard had in mind when he said something like, ‘Life can only be understood backward, but it has to be lived forward.’

There are, of course, many times when children find it extremely difficult to honor and respect their parents, given some horrible and dysfunctional experiences. But there is a spiritual truth about our perfect heavenly Father that transcends the human honor and respect we are asked to give to our imperfect parents.  Beyond that, Jesus depicts the very essence of the gospel as becoming like a little child.” 

Originally published in:

Unplugging from Religion – Connecting With God


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