Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 27, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

  “We might ask what forces or desires or motivations are driving us to live our lives frantically – who or what is trying to persuade us that busier and faster is better? Jesus invites us to rest in him, not rush with him!

Resting in Christ, as a Christ-follower, means of course following him, in the direction he takes us and the pace he chooses. If we are in a rush and pass him, then we are not following him but instead we are blazing a different trail, effectively telling him to hurry up and follow us!

Take a deep breath – pause for a moment – take a break from any ‘rush hour’ you might be caught up in. Disengage for a moment and consider who you are and where you are going. Take a long bubble bath in God’s grace.”

Letters - small

Originally published in:

Letters to My Friends


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