Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 24, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

 “The cross of Christ was God saying ‘I love you’ when humanity at large said, ‘I hate you and I am going to kill you.’ Jesus didn’t demand that we sign a contract before he gave his life – he did what he did out of love without any guarantee that we humans would respond favorably, and love him back. That’s part of the freedom of God’s love – the grace of God exhibited and demonstrated in his love.  God does not force us to do anything – for if force is involved, then by definition, it is not love…

God’s love is profound because he refuses to use force or intimidation to make us do what he wants – or even what he knows will be best for us. God’s love is incredible because it makes itself powerless – refusing to use the greatest power in all the universe.  That’s exactly what happened at the cross of Christ.  I John 3:1 lifts and inspires us, challenging us ‘How great is the love the Father has lavished on us!’”

Originally published in:

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, February 2017


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