Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 11, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“The word hidden makes us think of fascinating images, like hidden treasures, hidden bank accounts, hidden secret compartments, hidden cameras, hidden assets, etc.  The word, used as an adjective, piques our interest and curiosity.

The resurrection of our Lord begins with this whole idea of being hidden.  His body had been hidden away in a tomb, concealed with a boulder.  When some of his followers came to the tomb, they found the stone rolled away (Matthew 28:2 says there had been a violent earthquake) and Jesus’ body was gone. The gospel of John says that Mary Magdalene visited his tomb, saw that it was empty and ran to Peter and John, telling them,

‘They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!’ (John 20:2, emphasis mine). 

Their initial reaction – and it would have been yours and mine, was that someone had taken Jesus’ body and hidden it.  They had no idea where to find his dead body.  They didn’t immediately believe he had been resurrected, as he had told them – but that his body had been taken away, put somewhere, hidden.

When Paul tells the Colossian Christians that their lives are hidden with Christ (Colossians 3:3), he may have been recalling a Greek idiom in which death is likened to a person’s being hidden in the earth.  In some respects, because we know very little about it – death is a mystery – a secret – something that is hidden.” 

Originally published in:

Unplugging from Religion – Connecting With God


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