Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 2, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“It wasn’t long after the Cross of Christ, and his victorious resurrection that man-made religion started to put its own unique twist on God’s availability.  In effect, religion started to teach that we could have an appointment with God, but we would have to call his secretary, which conveniently enough, was a job institutionalized religion appropriated to itself.  Not long after the earth-shaking events of the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord, which flung open the doors of God’s heaven, religion appointed itself as a gatekeeper.

‘Well sure, God wants to see you,’ people started to hear, ‘but you’ll have to make an appointment. You’ll have to stand in line. God is busy, you know. And it never hurts to impress God with your sincerity.  Why should he take his precious time to see you?  What exactly have you done for him lately?’” 

Originally published in:

Unplugging from Religion – Connecting With God


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