Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 14, 2024 – Quote for the Day:


“While there is no doubt that the Second Coming is a prominent feature of the Book of Revelation, it is not the theme. The theme is not primarily about future fulfillments of prophecy. Instead, the Book of Revelation is centered in the past as well as the present.  The past watershed event is the cross of Christ, with the present reality being the Risen Lord who is ever alive and ever present with Christians who encounter the real problems of life in the flesh.

Apocalyptic writing is filled with images of violence and war, with woes, with judgment and battles occupying much of its message. The Book of Revelation is a grand spiritual epic that transcends any one historical time period (with the one exception being the seven churches, and even those churches, rooted in history, serve as recurring examples that have ongoing fulfillments). Even though many generations and cultures have attempted to plant their flag in this book and claim it as being written primarily for their time, no one historical time period owns the Book of Revelation.

As William Sanford LaSor notes: ‘one of the principles of apocalyptic prophecy is to use names and symbols without intending historical accuracy.’ Perhaps no culture has attempted to co-opt Revelation as its own story more than twentieth and twenty-first century America.” 

Originally published in:

Revelation Revolution


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