Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 12, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“One of my favorite stories concerns a student who asked a seminary professor, ‘When were you saved, Professor?’ The young student, like so many Christians, believed it was important for Christians to pinpoint a time when they believe God saved them, and consequently to tell others of their testimony. That may be a biblically valid assumption.  However, many other Christians believe that since we become more like Christ the longer he lives within us, the exact time of our conversion is immaterial. So, the professor asked the young man, ‘When was I saved? Well, I should think my salvation was won for me many centuries ago on the Cross of Christ.’

The professor’s point was this: We can easily fall into the trap of thinking our salvation is up to us, and therefore we attribute too much importance to decisions and choices we make.

Perhaps it’s better to think of God’s choices, his love for us, his calling and, beyond all of that, Jesus’ atoning work on the Cross, which was, after all, when we were all saved.  The Cross of Christ is the red-letter day on the Christian calendar when God made a way for us to connect with him, making it possible for dates in the calendars of our lives when we can respond to God’s invitation.” 

Originally published in:

Unplugging from Religion – Connecting With God


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