Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 7, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“Jesus came to lift us out of shame and guilt and fear – not to add to our enormous burdens of self-loathing. He didn’t come to start a new religion or slightly modify and upgrade on what was already in place. He didn’t offer a way in which his followers could live more moral lives by virtue of the character they would build if they faithfully obeyed all the steps he advocated. He didn’t tell his followers to prove their worth to him by climbing the highest mountain and fording every stream because the mountains are higher than our abilities to climb and the rivers deeper and more deadly than our abilities to swim. Jesus invited us to yield to his overtures of love, and admit to our own vulnerabilities and inabilities. Jesus promised to live his life within us as we yield to him.  The Beatitudes are his promises for those who follow him.” 

Originally published in:

Beautiful Sayings – Beatitudes of Grace


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