Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 29, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“God’s grace is dynamic – it flows. It’s more like a river than it is a lake or a reservoir.  God’s grace is not given to be held in trust in a religious safe deposit box. God’s grace is not given so that we may bury it in a napkin and present it to the Lord upon his return, proving to him that we stored it up, saved it and never lost it. God’s grace is given to be given. God’s grace is a free-flowing river – religion endeavors to be a reservoir of good deeds. God’s grace grows as it is used, it is a gift which must be given, not merely to be replenished, but to grow. God’s grace flows, whereas Christ-less religion, like the third servant in the Parable of the Talents, is intent on storage.”

Originally published in:

Rejecting Religion – Embracing Grace

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