Reflections Along the Jesus Way
February 22, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“While it is a complex book to study, Revelation is a breath of fresh air. Revelation contains no ambiguity, no shades of gray. It is not hamstrung by political correctness. It minces no words in describing sin and evil. Revelation is clear about the evils of performance-based religion. The apocalyptic imagery of Revelation is inked in stark black and white. There is no middle ground. The people described in Revelation are either followers of Antichrist or followers of Christ. If you are not with Christ, you are part of the enemy camp. Revelation calls us out of complacency and our illusions of peace and comfort. It calls Christians to overcome and conquer the world, not in some kind of political revolution or Holy War, but to conquer through Christ. Revelation itself is a revolution – the Revelation revolution – an absolute promise that victory over the evil in this world is available through the One who has already overcome the world on the cross.”
Originally published in:
Revelation Revolution