Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 18, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

    “In a ‘Dennis the Menace’ cartoon, Dennis and his pal Joey are seen leaving next-door-neighbor Mrs. Wilson’s house loaded up with a plate full of cookies.  Joey says to Dennis, ‘I wonder what we did to deserve this?’  The forever-in-trouble, always-in-hot-water Dennis, well aware that he is far from perfect, astutely advises Joey, ‘Look, Joey, Mrs. Wilson didn’t give us these cookies because we’re nice, but because she’s nice.’ 

The first lesson of grace… is this: We don’t deserve God’s love – God is not obligated to give us cookies because we think we have earned them. God loves us in spite of our behavior, not because of it. God is in control and he will not be controlled. God makes the cookies and he gives them away – we can’t buy or purchase God’s ‘cookies.’”

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Originally published in:

Letters to My Friends


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