Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 15, 2024 – Quote for the Day:


“Along with its equally seductive cousin of religious legalism, prediction addiction had been the language of my life, the drum beat of my religious soul. Prediction addiction is an obsession, a compulsion to continually seek exhilarating ‘fulfillments of Bible prophecy’ in current events of the day.  In my experience, the bondage of legalism combined with an addiction to prediction addiction gave meaning and order to my world while at the same time being the perfect one-two punch religion needed to control me.  Legalism told me what I had to do in order to earn God’s love and the kingdom of heaven. Prophetic teaching assured me that people who did not do what I was convinced the Bible taught would experience the plagues of Revelation, and, on the other hand, if my works were acceptable to God, I would be saved from these plagues. The two evil cousins of religious legalism and prediction addiction work hand in hand; where one flourishes the other cousin is surely to be found in the same general vicinity.  They feed off of each other. They both lead to religious captivity, as religious legalism and prediction addiction eventually control those who buy into their premises and beliefs.” 

Originally published in:

Revelation Revolution


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