Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 6, 2024 – Quote for the Day

“The kingdom of God involves feasting and dancing and laughter.  God – God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – does not absent himself from such merrymakings.  God is involved in the wining and the dining – he is the very center of the joke telling, the good-natured jesting, the singing and the offering of toasts. This is his banquet – he plans it, caters it and hosts it. God doesn’t absent himself from the party and sneak off to the library, reading the Bible in the original Greek or Hebrew. God is right there in the middle of the festivities.

The heavenly wedding banquet is a love feast where everyone is welcome. There are no strangers in the kingdom of heaven. There are no second-class citizens. There is no backroom where the likes of you and I will be shown a dingy table, right next to the noise of the kitchen, where we will be served scraps and leftovers. We are all invited to the head table. There are no other tables – just the main table. All the seats at the king’s banquet are equal. Everyone receives the same rich fare, the riches of God’s grace, the new wine of the new covenant, the Bread of Life – the very life of our Lord and Savior.

The wedding banquet of the Son is a time of delight and joy – as long as we accept the Father’s invitation, and receive the Son, on God’s terms, by his grace.” 

Originally published in:

A Taste of Grace – Christianity Without the Religion


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