Reflections Along the Jesus Way

January 11, 2024 – Quote for the Day:


“We have a need to let go of our past and to forgive real and imagined hurts caused by individuals who were involved, whether directly or indirectly. There’s no delete button to erase it all – but there is a way to heal it all. There’s a way to forgive others, but the solution does not ultimately come from human resources. There is a way to deal with the hurts and pains that live in our memories. The answer is found in God’s love… the resolution of our hurts and pains has no easy answer. In fact, forgiveness just might be the most difficult task that God’s love can ever accomplish and therefore, it’s one of his most precious gifts. God’s love went through hell and back to produce forgiveness. So, forgiveness is love’s ultimate power.”

Originally published in:

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, June 2017


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