Reflections Along the Jesus Way

December 31, 2023 – Quote for the Day:


“The best way to announce, send and share a vision is to encase and enfold that dream in a person.  That’s what happened when God became a man.  Mary… ‘wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger’ (Luke 2:7 KJV).

Sending a message, wrapped up in a person, is at the heart and core of the meaning and significance of the birth of Jesus, and of the celebration of his birth we call Christmas.

Jesus was God in human flesh – the God-man.  He brought wonderful news to our world – we call it the gospel – and that gospel was wrapped up in his person. Jesus is the box – he is the wrapping paper, the bow on top, the human container – that envelops the gospel – the gospel of grace and truth.” 

Originally published in:

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, December 2019


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