Meet Our Leadership Team

Advisory Board of Directors – left to right: Ed Dunn, Dennis Warkentin, Ralph Woodrow, Laura Urista, Greg Albrecht, Monte Wolverton, Brad Jersak.

Greg Albrecht –
President, Chairman of the Board

Greg Albrecht is President and Chairman of the Board of Plain Truth Ministries. He pastors, teaches and writes in and through all of the many ministries of PTM, including daily audio, a monthly ministry letter, and via our two magazines, for which he also serves as Editor-in-Chief.   

Greg was born in Kansas and grew up in Texas and California. He received his BA in theology in England, and later an MA in religion/biblical studies from Azusa Pacific University.

Greg and his wife Karen were married in England in 1969 where they served in ministry, including within the inner cities of London, Manchester and Liverpool, for several years before returning to the United States. Since 1974 Greg and Karen and their then two young children put down roots in Southern California.  Before beginning his work in Christ-centered media ministry, writing and broadcasting as a media pastor and teacher, Greg was a college professor and administrator.

Drawing on his experience gained by more than 50 years as an ordained minister, Greg advocates the radical grace of God in the world at large and within the universal body of Christ, which PTM refers to as “Christianity Without the Religion” (CWR). Greg sets the pace for PTM in his audio, video and written resources, advocating for the gospel – the no-matter-what love, radical grace, overflowing mercy and forever forgiveness of God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. PTM and CWR are all about All Jesus All the time, often expressing its mission as Faith alone, Grace alone and Christ alone.

Karen is also deeply involved with PTM as Greg’s primary advisor and proofreads many of our publications before they are published. They are proud parents of two married children, enjoying the growth and maturity of their five young-adult grandchildren as, with their parents’ loving support, they navigate across the bridge into the adult world.   

Greg often comments to our worldwide audience/congregation of listeners, readers and Friends/Partners that our collective efforts in the ongoing ministry of PTM/CWR are 1) blessed by, enabled and empowered by the grace of God, 2) blessed by the work of God in and through a small leadership team, harmoniously working together as one, fueled by the prayers and financial donations of our Friends/Partners.    

Greg has authored many books, including those posted here:

Brad Jersak
Pastoral Scholar

Brad and his wife Eden were married in 1984, and live in Abbotsford, BC Canada.  They have three adult children and two grandchildren.

Dr. Bradley Jersak serves as Pastoral Scholar for PTM, and Senior Editor and Art Director for Christianity Without the Religion magazine (CWRm).  His contributions lend a beautiful combination of scholarship and pastoral care to advice he provides, questions PTM receives and the teaching he shares in the many articles and blogs he contributes. 

Brad’s vocation is to share the good news of God’s love, revealed perfectly in the incarnation of Christ.  He embodies and illustrates, by the grace of God, the thematic emphasis of PTM on hope, comfort, encouragement and healing in Christ.

During his long career Brad has served in many pastoral positions and pulpits as an ordained minister, in addition to teaching in many college classrooms.  As a respected and in-demand speaker he is a frequent traveler.  Brad received his Ph.D. from Bangor University (Wales) and serves as the Principal of St. Stephen’s University, New Brunswick, Canada. He is the author of many books, including the CWR Press publications, A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel and A More Christlike Way: A More Beautiful Faith.

Dr. Jersak lends his considerable biblical acumen and his many decades of experience and understanding to the combined efforts of our Christ-centered and grace-based ministry. As a seasoned veteran of the Christian religious landscape, his rich heritage of wisdom informs his valuable ministry and teaching to this day.   

Laura Urista
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Laura and her husband, Juan, were married in 1983. They have two married adult children, as well as three young grand-daughters. They all live in Southern California, within an hour’s drive from “Gaga Laura” and “Pops.”

Laura is an ordained minister who received her B.A. in theology in 1984.  She started working with Plain Truth magazine over three decades ago and has served in nearly every aspect of magazine production and fulfillment, including administrative responsibilities.  Laura shares her insights gained on her journey to Christ, as she endured a long history of Christ-less religion.   

Laura serves as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of CWR/PTM, Secretary/Treasurer of the PTM Board, Managing Editor of all publications and as Art Director for Plain Truth magazine.  As one of the long-time members of our leadership team, she contributes her invaluable historical knowledge of systems, programs and the many ministries we provide.

Laura continues a lifelong love for music, most currently serving as a worship leader in her congregation, and along with Juan, her husband, taking guitar lessons.   

Dennis Warkentin
Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Dennis and Maureen were married in 1975 and they have one married adult son. Maureen volunteers her time in the PTM office for a few hours a week helping with mail processing, and she works at home proofreading our many publications. Dennis and Maureen have lived and worked in California most of their lives and over the last decade or more their favorite hobby has been line dancing, which keeps them active physically, mentally and socially.

Dennis has been working with The Plain Truth magazine for over five decades. He has worked in many aspects of our operations, in printing, planning, production, and mailing.

As Chief Operating Officer (COO) of CWR/PTM Dennis is responsible for all timely printing and mailings for our ongoing work, assisting with incoming mail and phone calls, maintaining our electronic media outreach, managing our ever-changing blog postings, supervising support for our electronic network in and out of our office and regularly updating our website ( as needed.    

Dennis appreciates his life-long working life with the ministries of PTM with a variety of responsibilities, the camaraderie of co-workers and the fulfilling purpose of playing an important role on our team as together we proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

Ed Dunn
Vice President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Ed and his wife, Stephanie, were married in 2023. Ed has one adult daughter and Stephanie has two sons, who still live at home with Ed and Stephanie.  After completing a B.A. in theology Ed received an MA in Business and Human Resources Management, which was followed by a 20-plus year career in consulting and financial services.

Ed first started volunteering his services to PTM as a consultant.  Soon thereafter he agreed to begin working in a part-time capacity, quickly followed by full time employment. Ed describes his work at PTM in several ways, firstly, as a joy, not a job, and secondly, as a perfect blend of numbers and letters (both central to his background).

Ed’s work includes a rich variety of functions from posting blogs and programming daily and weekend audio programs, to writing, editing, receiving and responding to phone calls, answering questions, processing donations and recording video and audio blogs for This Month at PTM and CWR Unplugged.  Ed serves as a Vice President and as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of CWR/PTM.   

Ed loves PTM’s mission, team culture and amazing work ethic.  One of his responsibilities is leading our strategic planning committee, and in that role he and the team coined the phrase hope, comfort, encouragement and healing in Christ as a further example of the mission and identity of the mission and objectives of PTM.    

Additional team members:

  • Thanks and gratitude to and for Monte Wolverton and Ralph Woodrow, who serve on our Advisory Board of Directors, and also contribute via their valued Christ-centered insights.
  • With thanks and appreciation for those who provide their literary gifts and wisdom, whom we publish either on our blog and/or in our magazines. Ruth Tucker and Steve Brown are deeply appreciated as long-time contributors who regularly grace our print and digital pages – each of them has been involved with PTM for more than three decades. Other articles and blogs are occasionally provided by Richard Rohr, Ken Tanner, Rachel Ramer, Barbara Dahlgren, Sheila Graham, Jim Fowler (who also once served on our Advisory Board of Directors), Ken Williams, Steve Orr and Stuart Segall.  
  • AND YOU!  YOU allow us to serve you in Jesus’ name and MANY OF YOU willingly provide faithful and consistent financial support as FRIENDS AND PARTNERS.  Thank YOU for being on our team!

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