CWR Blog
Christianity Without The Religion BLOG hosted by Brad Jersak.
Q&R: Codependent Christianity – Brad Jersak
"I thought I was going through a depression, but turns out, it was just my religion!"
The following is an email conversation about "codependent Christianity" that I'm sharing with the writer's permission.
Hi Bradley, am so grateful for your teachings and guidance for those of us deconstructing. I thought I was going through a depression, but turns out, it was just Evangelicalism! If only that didn't mean that I now have to sort out the tangled mess that has intertwined in my best faith practice.
My biggest hurdle is ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
February 4, 2025 - Quote for the Day
“Love is the one-word definition of God. God is love, he is not filled with wrath, therefore:
God the Father was not looking for payback from God the Son at the cross
There is no such thing as eternal conscious torment in hell
God is not mad at you and me, and
God does not expect us to do the impossible, which would be to earn and deserve his love.”
Originally published in:
Letters to My Friends
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God’s Grace Is For Everyone
Since Jesus invites us to the kingdom of heaven in spite of what we have done, rather than what we have done, does that mean there are no limits to God's grace?
The Perfect Storm
While the storms of our lives do not define or limit our relationship with God, they can be traumatic and disconcerting. Join Greg as he offers fresh perspective about the blessed assurance we can all have in and through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Kicked Out of Church–Part 2 – Steve Orr
Click here for Jesus Kicked out of Church part 1.
Jesus was not impressed by political power.
When interrogated by the Roman Governor, the foremost authority in Jerusalem, Pontius Pilate asked, "Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?"
Jesus did not flinch, saying, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above." Pilate was oblivious to the double meaning. Jesus was talking about "the god of this world," but Pilate was thinking about Caesar back in Rome.
Jesus also confronted the well-entrenched ...
CWR Video – Progressive Revelation in the Bible
In this CWR Video, Greg and Brad discuss the topic of Progressive Revelation in Scripture.
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Reflections Along the Jesus Way
February 1, 2025 - Quote for the Day
“Grace is a multi-layered word. Its many definitions add rich perspectives and significance to our lives. Grace speaks of abundance and gratitude, of charm and inner beauty, of harmony, mercy and forgiveness. We say grace before a meal. A dance or figure skater is graceful. When a dept is owed and a bill is due, grace periods are offered before penalties begin. The world of music speaks of grace notes.”
Originally published in:
Wonders of His Grace
It’s All on Rails – by Ed Dunn
The beginning of 2025 is a big deal as it relates to my commute to and from work each business day. Early 2025 is the date set for a brand-new train station to open close to my home. This means that no longer will I need half-an-hour to get from my front door to the station stop I use. Rather, all I’ll need is ten minutes, with a convenient Starbuck’s Coffee positioned smartly along the way. I’ll board the train with a hot cup of coffee in hand, and ride the rails to work a bit more quicky than I do now.
It’s all on rails for me, which is to say, it’s all ...
Comfort For Everyone
Christ in us enables us to be wounded healers - transformed by God's grace that we may be vehicles of God's love, offering comfort for others in the same way we have been comforted by God.
Update on PTM – Ed Dunn
This Month at PTM - February 2025
Watch a short video and the message on an"Update on PTM" by Ed Dunn as he updates us on the latest from Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries.
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
January 30, 2025 - Quote for the Day
“Christ-less religion has always attempted to eliminate authentic Christianity. Religion has opposed authentic Christians during the course of history. Religion attempts to bypass or improve upon Jesus – to modify and even counterfeit him and offer a false gospel and bogus salvation in the process. Jesus sets us free from all such encumbrances that weigh us down, allowing us to love, comfort and reach out to everyone – including refugees who have suffered at the hands of religion. Authentic ...
The Great Reversal
Greg explains that Jesus' parable of "The Workers" in Matthew 20 is a picture of God's grace, and that the kingdom of heaven reverses the values and expectations of the kingdoms of religion. Luke records Jesus saying, "What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight."
The Commands of God and the Tradition of Men
Sin management is the focus of Christ-less religion - attempting to make bad people good, or at the very least better. But Jesus' mission is not about making bad people better. Jesus comes to make spiritually dead people live!
Hooked on a Feeling – by Greg Albrecht
Once upon a time, the word "addiction" was used almost exclusively to define and describe dependence on mood altering substances. Addiction is centered on sensory stimulation and gratification. When a particular chemical substance that produces an incredible "rush" or "high" wears off, an individual starts returning to the drug to experience the same feeling again. Substance addiction is further understood as continued involvement with a drug because of immediate pleasure and gratification, in spite of the negative consequences the addict would eventually experience....
Clothed in Christ – by Greg Albrecht
Friend and Partner Letter for February 2025:
One hears much discussion at this time of year about clothing styles and designers as the “stars” come out for award shows which their industry hosts to honor itself – the Academy Awards being the most lavish and spectacular of them all. Much of the focus is on what the “beautiful” people are wearing.
Clothing of course hides our nakedness and protects us from the elements. But spiritually speaking, clothing can be an attempt to hide who we really are while vainly endeavoring ...
Reflections Along the Jesus Way
January 28, 2025 - Quote for the Day
“Here, in a tiny little backwater town of Bethlehem, our Creator, the Prince of Peace arrived looking more like a little prune-faced pauper than an adorable Gerber baby born into comfort, safety and hygiene. The first Christmas was a long way from the adorable depictions of baby Jesus we see today, in front yards, on Christmas trees and over the mantle of fireplaces. 2000 years later Jesus has been, in the popular version that is taught and imbibed, adorable, repackaged and shrink-wrapped.”
Originally ...
Knowing the One True God
God is seen and known only by and through Jesus, who came to reveal God. We pray for those who are yet to see and know the One true God.
Whatever Happened to Grace?
God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. His grace is resisted by religious high places, but the spiritual gravitational pull of grace causes it to flow to low places.
Contentment With Appreciation – Stuart Segall
Lost a lot of people in 2024, didn’t we? Lots of folks are struggling with real and debilitating health issues. Health and loss, part of the ongoing struggles of our lives. How do we deal with them?
Writing to a German friend on his sixty-fourth birthday, ten years after his paralytic stroke, Walt Whitman reflects on what the limitations of living in a disabled body have taught him about the meaning of a full life:
"From today I enter upon my 64th year. The paralysis that first affected me nearly ten years ago, has since remain’d, with varying course — ...
When “God cares” doesn’t cut it – Brad Jersak
I remember the day when the assurance that “God cares” no longer cut it for me. Worse, it felt offensive. It particularly seems trite when we’re faced with the unmitigated affliction of children who suffer war, abuse, disability, disease, and painful death.
God cares? How so? The image that gnawed at my mind and heart and evoked anger was a divine king, seated on a throne, telling me, “I care,”… as in, “I have this caring feeling in my heart toward you,” while failing to provide protection, provision, consolation, or healing as families searched through the ...