It’s Good to Be Alive – by Greg Albrecht

It’s one of two times in the year when brick-and-mortar churches have their highest attendance. It’s without a doubt the most meaningful time of the year for Christians, but Easter lilies, bunny rabbits, Easter hams, painted and chocolate eggs can take our attention away from the vital life-giving significance of this spiritual victory we celebrate every spring.

Easter signals new life springing from what is seemingly dead and lifeless. Gray gives way to green. Ice melts and snow is replaced by the promise of buds and sprouts. Light overcomes darkness. The light and life that comes bursting from an empty tomb triumphs over death on the cross, a stark, ugly instrument of torture and death.

Every spring we see a new creation story when God brings renewed hope into the darkness of our lives with the marvelous Light of his Son (Genesis 1:3-4; John 1:4-5). The Light of the world “rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins” (Colossians 1:13-14).

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