Friends Without Borders – Brad Jersak
The following message may seem time-bound to churning news cycles, but I post it as an abiding truth.
In the self-sabotage of punitive tariff trade war threats between our two nations (Canada and the United States), I have received a HUGE torrent of beautiful love messages via email, texts, and social media from American friends.
Something about the way this particular fiasco went down has provoked surprising and dramatic new levels of good will from concerned friends south of the border who reached out to express their care in a variety of ways: genuine embarrassment, sorrow, outrage,… but WAY better than any of that, they reminded me of our deep and authentic friendship.
As a Canadian, I can testify that real American people have always been extremely kind, hospitable and generous to me. And this latest outpouring of affection, gratitude, and good memories of has overwhelmed me once again with their commitment to our lasting and outlasting kinship. I can only reciprocate with gratitude and joy that we swim in shared waters of love. Our political boundaries are merely lane markers that will not hinder our embrace.
Plain Truth Ministries is a good example of this. While heads of state are posturing and sabre-rattling, our binational team carries on, committed to loving and praying for each other, and keeping our focus on our “all Jesus, all the time” mandate. Even if we feel powerless over big-news global events, we are not powerless to share the grace we’ve experienced. And in fact, the less energy we waste on the things we cannot change, the greater our capacity to be present and attentive to those right in front of us whose lives we can touch. This is our hope and our goal.