We can try to experience and know God on the basis of the law by which a hired hand lives, or we can embrace the grace of being one of his children. |
CWR Teaching Ministry

We can try to experience and know God on the basis of the law by which a hired hand lives, or we can embrace the grace of being one of his children. |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Why hop on board the bus of Christ-less religion, which is either driving around in circles or heading in the wrong direction? Why not follow Jesus, who knows exactly where he is going? |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Are you enjoying and experiencing a “far, far better rest” than you have ever known? |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Here are ten religious lies that lead billions of people to march, in lemming like fashion, right over the edge of a spiritual cliff. |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Life in Christ is a journey, and Christ-followers do not have a reverse gear. We move on and we move forward in him and with him. |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Think with us about that inscription on the t-shirt: “Religion: Giving Hope to a World Torn Apart By – Religion. Where is the love? |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the Publican insists that Jesus produces humility while Christ-less religion produces arrogance. |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
How and where did we ever get the idea that human institutions and enterprises could take something as perfect as the gospel of Jesus Christ and improve it, making it “safer” for human consumption?
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Just as healthy and nourishing food is often sold in the same environment as junk food, a similar dynamic is present with spiritual food – even though the religious label and packaging might look healthy, you might want to closely examine the ingredients and the contents. |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
The world will be changed by those who dare to dream, so as George Bernard Shaw once said, “People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.” |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Join us as we discuss seven signs of healthy faith, as contrasted with seven signs of toxic faith. |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
As we begin a New Year, we remember the outrageous grace of God extended to a criminal by Jesus – the same grace extended to you and me. |
CWR Unplugged – Weekly Podcast Message
Join us and zoom in on the rich Christ-centered teaching of Hebrews 12:2 -“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith”.