Join us as we consider the wisdom behind G.K. Chesterton’s observation, “There are two ways to get enough: one is to continue to accumulate more and more; the other is to desire less.”
Christ-less religion is filled with “Dead Works” which are the very antithesis of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Following Jesus involves leaving “Dead Works” behind.
Tens of millions have been assured that God has a prosperous plan for them here and now – join us as we examine the much abused, proof-texted passage in Jeremiah behind these audacious claims.
When religious entities within Christendom attempt to “gain market share” by making a name for themselves, they are forsaking the original “name” by which Christ followers were originally known.
The sum and substance of our life consists in safety, security and survival – by whatever means necessary. What is the response for Christians and war?
In and out of the world of religion, questions can be based on an erroneous assumption and, once you start responding, designed to lead you deeper into deception.
Much has been written and taught of how humans might prove their love to God – but the real issue is not how much love we have for God, but how deep his love is for us.