Christ Alone – the Absolute Center of our Faith – by Greg Albrecht

Studies of sermon topics and titles reveal that the vast majority of messages given within the churches of Christendom, perhaps up to 80%, are centered on the needs and desires of human beings, rather than on Jesus Christ. 80%!
The task of preaching and teaching the real, authentic gospel of Jesus Christ boils down to preaching Christ. The purpose of Christ-centered, authentic Christian teaching, preaching, ministry or church is not to preach the Bible, but to preach Christ. Of course, properly interpreted and understood, the Bible is all about Jesus Christ—he is not only the divine author but he is the subject and theme of the biblical message, and he is the goal and purpose of the Bible.
But, it is possible to preach and study the Bible and completely miss its Christ-centered perspective. People and churches can say that they are “Bible believers” and “Bible students” and “Bible-centered” and that they “preach and teach the Bible” while missing the point of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And there are many ways in which this is done —here are three common ways that Christ-less religion fails to keep a Christ-centered focus:
1) Many “Christian” sermons, books, articles and messages are all about rules, laws and morals. These messages encourage people to be more honest and more patient and more humble, kind and generous—and some threaten them if they fail to measure up.
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