Breakfast with Brad – T-bone Steak, the UK & How God is Named

In which, over leftover T-bone steak, Brad pitches an “Exploring the Beautiful Gospel” gathering (with Brian Zahnd) in Southhampton, UK (Oct. 26, 2018), then reflects on three ways in which God is named. See below for event details and the 3 ways God is named.

CLICK HERE to attend “Exploring the Beautiful Gospel” with Brad Jersak and Brian Zahnd, Oct. 26.

3 ways God is named: 

  1. People name God after their experiences of God. Their names are descriptive of how they meet God in their encounters with God.
  2. God names himself directly or through angels, such as his self-revelation as Yahweh to Moses, or when his Son is named Emmanuel or Jesus.
  3. Jesus names God ABBA according to his own relationship with God, and gives us the same gift whereby we too call God ABBA or “Our Father.”

Some folks struggle to call God “Father” because of painful experiences with their earthly dad. But what if ABBA is not like our earthly dads? What if God the Father is exactly like Jesus? The ABBA revealed through Jesus longs to heal those father-wounds and bring us into a new experience of what it is to be a beloved child of God.


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