Books from CWR Press

By Ruth A. Tucker

Tender Mercies-52 Weekly Meditations  $20.00 — Tender Mercies can be read chapter by chapter, like a daily devotional – each chapter is its own self-contained story, written by one of the great wordsmiths of our time, in her own compelling and fascinating manner. Tender Mercies speaks of our Christ-centered faith, exemplifying our life in Christ, without sermonizing, scolding or reprimanding. This book is a superb illustration of the love, grace, mercy and forgiveness of God – a book that reflects light from Light, the Light of this world.


By Bradley Jersak

A More Christlike God: A More Beautiful Gospel $18.00 — What is God like? A punishing judge? A doting grandfather? A deadbeat dad? A vengeful warrior? ‘Believers’ and atheists alike typically carry and finally reject the toxic images of God in their own hearts and minds. Even the Christian gospel has repeatedly lapsed into a vision of God where the wrathful King must be appeased by his victim Son. How do such ‘good cop/bad cop’ distortions of the divine arise and come to dominate churches and cultures? What if God has always been and forever will be ‘cruciform’ (cross-shaped) in his character and actions?

A More Christlike Way: A More Beautiful Faith $18.00 — In this follow-up book to A More Christlike God, after deconstructing four counterfeit ways, Jersak explores seven facets of the Jesus Way. Christ’s radical revelation of true humanity beckons us, “Would you be human? Take up your cross and follow me.”  A More Christlike Way is a book for our time, where so much of what is called Christianity has been hijacked to serve agendas that are decidedly un-Christlike. A More Christlike Way sets forth a vision for following Jesus that is in keeping with the kind of faith that first turned the world upside down two thousand years ago.

A More Christlike Word: Reading Scripture the Emmaus Way $20.00 — The third book in the “More Christlike” series is now available. The Scriptures are an essential aspect of the Christian faith. But we have often equated them with the living Word Himself, even elevating them above the One to whom they point. In doing so, we have distorted their central message—and our view of God. Tragically, this has caused multitudes of people unnecessary doubt, confusion, and pain in their encounters with the Scriptures. Reading scripture the “Emmaus Way” demonstrates how Jesus regarded all Scripture as fulfilled in himself, the final Word of God who reveals the true nature of the Father.

By Greg Albrecht

Wonders of His Joy  $20.00 — Welcome to the fifth edition of our “Wonders” series. In Wonders of His Joy, Greg Albrecht and photographer Monte Wolverton teach about a divine virtue and gift described in the Bible with breathtaking photos of God’s creation. Happiness is often here today and gone tomorrow but Joy endures. Joy is produced by the grace of God. Joy is experienced because of who one is, in Christ. Another beautiful book to display on your coffee table.

Wonders of His Word  $20.00 JESUS ALONE IS THE WORD OF GOD, who endures forever, long after the paper and ink of our printed Bibles are gone. In Wonders of His Word, Greg Albrecht and photographer Bert Gary offer readers uplifting thoughts, scriptures and scenes in which to understand God’s Word.  As we read and study the Bible from a Christ-centered perspective, our study is transformed from reading a rule-book into a fascinating journey about our relationship with God, viewed through the lens of Jesus Christ.  This is the 4th book in the “Wonders” series.

Wonders of His Peace  $20.00 JESUS IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE. When our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, came into this world, he revealed and embodied the peace of God. In Wonders of His Peace, Greg Albrecht and photographer Monte Wolverton offer readers uplifting thoughts, scriptures and scenes in which to experience God’s peace. This is the 3rd book in the “Wonders” series.

Wonders of His Love  $20.00 We are pleased to announce the publication of the second volume in the Wonders series – Wonders of His Love – an invitation and encouragement to consider all the wonders of God. Consider the beauty of all creation and wonder at how he adorned this earth with his extravagantly exquisite, delightfully amazing created order, reminding us of his undying love. A beautiful book to display on your coffee table.

Wonders of His Grace  $20.00 God’s grace is a gift, rather than an achievement – we cannot earn or acquire his grace any more than we can look at the beauty of his creation and claim credit for designing or sustaining it.  Look and see God’s grace in mountains, lakes and rivers as well as in dry and desolate deserts.   Rest in the peace and serenity of his grace as displayed in the indescribable, stunning and jaw dropping beauty of the flora and fauna of planet earth.  Come luxuriate in God’s grace in the pages of Wonders of His Grace.

Beautiful Sayings  $20.00 The Beatitudes of Jesus Christ shine as light in the midst of the darkness of our world. Imagine an alternative kingdom where political and religious division, hatred and rancor are transcended and overcome by Christ-followers whose lives embody the Beautiful Sayings of Jesus.   Join Greg Albrecht exploring the amazing grace of God freely offered and described in these Beautiful Sayings.

Letters - small

Letters to My Friends  $20.00 Remember when you saved special letters and tied them, like treasures, with a ribbon in a big bundle? Letters to My Friends – Our Journey of Grace through Faith is your collection of carefully crafted, refreshing spiritual nourishment for your soul. Greg Albrecht has reviewed hundreds of inspirational and uplifting letters he has written over more than two decades. He has selected a number of these messages and organized them, calling the collection Letters to My Friends.

A Taste of Grace  $10.00 A Taste of Grace is an easy-to-read page-turning exploration of God’s amazing grace, demonstrated and illustrated by the teachings of Jesus. A Taste of Grace reveals God’s grace as irreconcilably opposed to the core values and beliefs of institutionalized religion. A Taste of Grace reveals God’s grace to be an absurd and foolish sentiment that doesn’t add up to the human mind.

Rejecting Religion—Embracing Grace  $10.00   — Join Greg Albrecht as he examines what Jesus has to say about the kingdom of religion, through an eye-opening study of Jesus’ sermon in Matthew 23. Jesus uses words like woe, hypocrites, blind, greedy, self-indulgent, unclean, desolate, hell and snakes to describe the religious industry, its professionals and the consequences it brings into the lives of those it “serves.” But the kingdom of heaven, in stark contrast to the oppressive kingdom of religion, is a spiritual dimension of freedom and peace. Rejecting Religion—Embracing Grace affirms the ultimate victory of God’s grace—even as the relentless waves of his grace will eventually erode and cover the shifting sands of religion like the waters cover the sea.

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul –Volume 1  $10.00 Greg’s fifth book is a collection of 48 carefully selected messages Greg has previously given at Christianity Without the Religion. With nearly 400 compelling and inspiring pages, this is the most substantial of Greg’s books to date, so while you may be tempted to read it all at once—we recommend reading a little at a time. Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul makes a great devotional or a companion to other studies and resources you may use as you journey through the year.

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul –Volume 2  $10.00 A second collection of 48 sermons previously given at the teaching ministry of Christianity Without the Religion. Another superb resource enabling the reader to consider timely messages for every week of the year.

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul –Volume 3  $10.00 Here is a third collection of 48 sermons previously given at the teaching ministry of Christianity Without the Religion. Another superb resource enabling the reader to consider timely messages for every week of the year.

Unplugging From Religion…Connecting With God  $10.00 Get ready to know God who loves you more than you have ever imagined! Get ready to discover how you can break free from religious shackles and embrace God’s unconditional no-matter-what love for you.

Between Religious Rocks and Life’s Hard Places  $10.00 — Greg answers 101 questions about Christianity and the Bible. From prayer to prophecy, from sin to salvation, from tithing to the Trinity—you’ll come away from this book equipped with the tools and methodology to face life’s spiritual issues grounded in God’s grace.

Revelation Revolution—the Overlooked Message of the Apocalypse  $10.00 — is a revolution in the way that many have been trained and taught to think about biblical prophecy. Revelation Revolution is a grace-based, Christ-centered exploration of the biblical book of Revelation. Join many others in beginning to understand what the Bible’s most misunderstood book really means.

Bad News Religion—the Virus That Attacks God’s Grace  $10.00 — A guide to the most dangerous spiritual virus of the 21st century—the deadly virus of religious legalism—the idea that you can do something that will make God more pleased with you. Bad News Religion shows you how to spot legalism and tells how to identify healthy, Christ-centered, grace-based Christianity.

By Monte Wolverton

The Remnant I  $10.00 — In the year 2069 the Apocalypse came and went, but Jesus didn’t show up, as some expected. Instead, a cataclysmic war, natural disasters and pandemics cut earth’s population by 90 percent. Now, in 2131, a totalitarian government rules the world from the magnificent capitol of Carthage, Tunisia. Blamed for igniting the war, all religion and religious books have been banned. Citizens who practice religion are sent to work camps. Grant Cochrin, imprisoned in a bleak petroleum camp in North Dakota, hears rumors of isolated Christian communities in the lawless Wilderness areas of North America. Grant leads his family and friends in a daring escape from their work camp to embark on a long and dangerous quest for a utopian Christian community. The main guide in their search is a single Bible page—a remnant of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount handed down from Grant’s grandparents.

The Remnant II  $10.00 —  The year is 2145, and planet Earth seems destined for a new era of peace and prosperity under one world government and one world religion. But utopia is illusory, as Church Patriarch and Matriarch Grant and Dana Cochrin are about to discover. They will be blindsided by an iron-fisted dictator and a mesmerizing religious leader, who will conspire to plunge the globe into a totalitarian hell of enslavement, ethnic cleansing, terror and death.
But not everyone has been deceived. An intrepid band of insurgents is working to take back the planet for faith and freedom. Can the world be rescued from the insanity of toxic religion before it’s too late? This spellbinding story raises urgent questions about church and state—and cherished religious institutions in general.

Chasing 120—A Story of Food, Faith, Fraud and the Pursuit of Longevity  $10.00 — While some may have differing opinions regarding whether they would want to live to be 120 years old. Perpetually grinning, fast-talking Texas adman-turned preacher Dr. Tyler Belknap promises health and longevity to a cult following via his nationally televised daily infomercial programs. The meteoric success of Belknap’s Wellness 120 empire is fueled by “the pursuit of longevity,” touted by Belknap as a biblically-based promise of 120 healthy years for those who follow his regimen and purchase his nutritional products.

By Grant Corriveau

Uplift: A Pilot’s Journey $10.00 — Take off with Captain Grant Corriveau in “Uplift – A Pilot’s Journey.” During your flight you will be fascinated by many true stories shared by Grant as he invites you to experience his life-long journey of discoveries.  Captain Grant will reveal, through his story and rise in the ranks in the aviation industry, culminating in the pilot’s seat in the cockpit, that not everything we need in life is learned in classes and training seminars.  “Uplift” is everyone’s journey, told through the eyes and experiences of one pilot’s career – one pilot’s journey. Come along for the ride and you will be uplifted.

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