“American Jesus” – Beck Underwood

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Source: Vimeo: “American Jesus” by  beck underwood

At PTM, we hear in this animation a pseudo-gospel preached from too many pulpits across the land. Yes, it’s overt, excessive, and ultimately ludicrous, but it does bear the common, essential elements of so many evangelistic sermons: fear of retribution, conversion by coercion, and rote confession under the ultimatum of eternal fiery condemnation. For those whose gospel is not retributive, coercive, or demanding,… congratulations!  You may be proclaiming good news. But it’s worth checking. Does our gospel rely on the fear of punishment or the promise of rewards to incite conversions?

Jesus’ gospel invites us to the eternal quality of life that comes with knowing God loves us and has welcomed us to his arms of love and his banquet of goodness. Christ offers real-life benefits of surrendering our lives to his care: love, joy, peace, hope, forgiveness, and freedom (to name a few). But these mercies are experienced inside our relationship with him, not as commodities we beg or bargain for. He’s a healer, a redeemer, and a restorer of broken lives… not a tyrant whose ego demands our terror-induced subservience.

If you’ve been traumatized by religious threats of hellfire meant to terrify you into lockstep, it’s worth carefully fact-checking what Scripture teaches at a deeper level. PTM recommends reading Brad Jersak’s classic study on the topic: Her Gates Will Never Be Shut: Hope, Hell & the New Jerusalem